Monday, 21 August 2017

Professor Plumber in the Study with the Lead Piping

Nicki Edgell
This week a plumber visited my home to fit a stop valve on our water system. The water mains supply into the house was discovered to be lead piping. On thinking about this it is not surprising. Like many houses in the UK, and in Brighton especially, the house is over 100 years ago. In fact lead piping was commonly used in the UK up to the 1960s and generally much later in the US.

If you live in an older property, your supply pipe - the underground pipe that connects your home to the public water mains - could be made of lead, and there's also a good chance that there may be some lead pipes inside your home. Old homes can have lead service lines, indoor plumbing with lead content, lead solder, leaded copper pipes, lead lined storage tanks, and even lead fixtures.

Is Lead Harmful?

The human health risks which relate to how lead can build up in the body have been studied extensively and are generally well understood. Lead is a highly toxic metal and a very strong poison which can lead to serious, irreversible conditions, which can sometimes be fatal. It can cause severe mental, physical, and behavioural problems, that can build up over a number of years.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that lead is the most serious environmental health hazard for children under 6 years old in the US. Young children are most vulnerable because their brains and nervous systems are still developing - lead can have an adverse impact on mental development and children's rapidly growing bodies absorb lead more quickly.
It has been estimated that infants drinking formula can get half of their lead exposure from drinking water.
Excessive amounts of lead may place adults at higher risk for cancer, stroke, kidney disease, memory problems and high blood pressure. Lead can cause premature birth, reduced birth weight, seizures, hearing loss, behavioral problems, brain damage, learning disabilities, and a lower IQ level in children.

In addition to piping lead can be present in lead-based paints, including paint on the walls of old houses and toys. It can also be found in art supplies, contaminated dust and some gasoline products, some jewellery, pottery, contaminated soil, batteries and even some cosmetics.

You wouldn't really want your water coming through these pipes would you?
From the 1970s onwards domestic uses of lead have been prohibited across Europe. As a result of health concerns, the UK Government banned the use of lead in many products, and it has not been used for water pipes since 1970. The Government also advises that we should minimise our exposure to lead from all sources, including drinking water.

How Does Lead Get Into Drinking Water?

Occasional lead occurs naturally in groundwater. However, this is a rare situation in the UK and
lead is not present in the water within our wider public water supply network. Furthermore if your home has been modernised since 1970 and all of the pipes from the water company's stop valve outside your home to the kitchen tap replaced, there should be no lead piping on your property.

However before 1970, many smaller water pipes were made from lead. It is therefore very likely that in older properties part, or all, of the underground service pipe connecting the water main in the street to your kitchen tap may be made from lead. It is also possible that some original lead plumbing remains within older properties especially if the kitchen has not been modernised.

In hard water areas the scale that forms on the inside of pipes protects against the dissolution of
lead from the pipe into the water. However in soft water supply areas there is a greater likelihood of lead from pipes being present in the water.

Another source of lead in drinking water is the illegal use of lead based solder to join together sections of copper pipe. Lead solder is still sold for use on closed central heating systems and mistakes occasionally happen whereby unqualified plumbers or householders use lead solder on drinking water pipes contrary to the law. Lead can also corrode from metal faucets and fixtures made from brass, an alloy of copper and zinc that often contains lead impurities, including chrome-plated brass fixtures. Brass fixtures can leach lead even in homes with plastic water lines. Solder is an alloy of tin with lead, antimony, or silver. Lead may also originate from the corrosion of brass fittings on certain types of submersible pumps used in groundwater wells.

For any of these reasons, the amount of lead in drinking water at a particular property may sometimes
be above the health based standard.

How to Check for Lead Pipes

Inside your home
Look in or behind the cupboards in your kitchen. You may also need to look in other places,
eg. the cupboard under the stairs. Find the pipe leading to the kitchen tap. Check if it is lead
along as much of its length as possible. Unpainted lead pipes appear dull grey. They are also
soft and if they are gently scraped you will see the shiny, silver-coloured metal beneath. You
can ask a plumber to carry out this check for you.

Outside your home
Open the flap of the stop valve outside your property. Examine the pipe leading from the stop
valve to the property. You may need to ask your water company or a plumber to carry out this check
for you as in some cases as access may be difficult.

Lead piping on the right
Other pipe materials in common use are:
• copper - bright, hard and dull brown
• iron - dark, very hard and may be rusty
• plastic - typically blue but if older may be grey or black.

How Can I Find Out if There is Lead in My Drinking Water?

If you suspect that your home has lead pipes you can ask your water company to test the water at your kitchen tap for lead. Water companies take daily samples from consumer taps for lead at
random and they will give you a report of this testing in your local area (water supply zone) free on
request. They will also tell you whether they are treating the water to minimise the likelihood of
lead pick up. Your water company will be aware of and will tell you if you live in an area with a
history of lead pipes having been used and not removed.
Since lead poisoning in water is colourless, odourless and tasteless, the only way you can be sure is to have your water tested.
You can also have your water sampled by a private laboratory for which there would be a charge and this can be through your local authority environmental health service. If you live in social housing or you are a tenant, your first point of contact for further advice is also environmental health.

What Do I Do if Lead is a Problem in My Property?

Water acts to dissolve lead from pipes and solder while the water is in contact with the plumbing. Therefore, lead concentrations in drinking water usually are the highest in the first water out of the tap; they decrease as the water is run. If lead pipes, leaded solder, or brass fixtures are present, even relatively noncorrosive water can dissolve dangerous amounts of lead if the water sits in contact with these materials for an hour or more.

In the short term if tests have confirmed a risk then you should not drink water that has been
standing in the pipes for long periods, for example, overnight, or if no one has been at home
during the day. Instead, before you draw off water for drinking and cooking, put the plug in the sink
or put a kitchen bowl under the tap, and let the tap run until the sink or bowl is full. This amount will
remove standing water in a pipe of up to 40 metres in length. You can then use the kitchen tap as

The above short term measure will protect you and your family but it is a waste of water and you
should take steps as soon as practicable to replace the lead pipes between the stop valve outside
your home and your kitchen tap. When arranging for this you should notify your water company
because they may be legally required to replace their communication pipe if lead levels are above the safe standard - in the UK this is measured as a maximum of 10 µg/l (10 microgrammes per litre).  By way of comparison in the U.S. the EPA set the maximum allowable concentration of lead in public drinking water at 15 µg/l.

Tests carried out in the US found that out of 872 first-draw lead tests from 2007 through to 2015, 16% exceeded the 15 µg/l drinking water standard. Of the 1,346 samples that were tested after the water had been run, only 3% exceeded the 15 µg/l level suggesting that most high lead levels were occurring due to corrosion of metal plumbing. It is not uncommon for lead readings from taps drawing on old little used plumbing to exceed the safe levels by multiple factors. A recent report on schools in Madison, Wisconsin, found measurements as high as 740 µg/l - many times above the safe level!
Measurements and standards are helpful but since lead serves no beneficial purpose in the human body, it is best if drinking water contains no lead at all.
Longer term it is of course best to replace any lead piping in and around your house if this is practical. When replacing lead pipes make sure this does not reduce electrical safety by removing any
earthing arrangements dependent on the pipes. Ask your electricity supplier if in doubt. Some local authorities offer assistance with removal of lead pipe from social housing.

Who is responsible for the pipework?

The part of the service pipe that links the water main in the street to the stop valve (or the meter) outside your property belongs to the water company. This is known as the communication pipe.
The part of the service pipe leading from the stop valve outside your property to the point where it
enters your home is the responsibility of the owner. This is known as the private or supply pipe.
All the plumbing inside your home to the kitchen tap is the responsibility of the property owner.

However in some cases the water company will be responsible for replacing lead piping leading up to the house if lead levels are above the legal limit. Please contact your local water company for further information.

Other Solutions

Acid-neutralizing filters can be installed to reduce water corrosivity by adding calcium and by increasing the pH of the water. Unlike other treatment options, these filters act to prevent lead from entering the water rather than removing it at the tap. In addition to reducing acidity, the added hardness produces a thin scale inside the pipes that reduces lead corrosion. These units normally cost over £1000 and may cause a noticeable increase in the hardness of your water.

Contrary to some claims, water softeners are not recommended for lead removal. Softeners are inefficient lead removal devices, and they are usually installed in the plumbing system ahead of the piping and fixtures where most of the lead originates. Also, softened water is usually more corrosive than un-softened water.

Reverse osmosis units and activated alumina filters are very effective in removing lead once it is in the water. These units typically are attached to the kitchen tap and treat only the water from that tap. Costs vary from £300 to more than £1,000. However reverse osmosis units of this size can produce only a few gallons of treated water per day.

Distillation units, also normally placed on the kitchen counter, are effective in removing lead from drinking water. However, they are relatively expensive to operate and produce only a gallon or so of water per day, depending on their size.

Other treatment devices such as granular activated carbon (GAC) filters can remove lead, but their efficiency is questionable. Small, inexpensive counter-top filter units are often marketed for lead (and fluoride) removal but consumers should check claims can be substantiated.

It is also important to note that small counter top units are limited in the amount of time that the filter is effective in removing lead. A National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal on treatment equipment is one method of ensuring that the unit has been tested for adequate removal efficiency. A NSF seal does not guarantee, however, that the filter will be effective after many months of continuous use, and filter replacement is always required periodically.

If you have a maintained Nikken water filter you don't have to worry about lead. As well as all the other health benefits the filter will remove lead in accordance with national standards. In the US the standard is demonstrated by compliance with  NSF/ANSI* Standard 53 (pertaining to the evaluation and certification of drinking water treatment systems for the reduction of contaminants including chemicals and metals) and specifically Standard 372 (low lead compliance).

In the UK tests have shown lead present in tap water is reduced by 91%. See this test sheet.

This gives assurance that whatever the extent of your potential lead piping under your house your drinking water will be safe.

*The National Sanitation Foundation, and the American National Standards Institute. Manufacturers voluntarily submit products to NSF International for independent testing and certification to NSF/ANSI Standards. NSF International performs a thorough product review and evaluation, and conducts rigorous product testing to verify that the product meets the requirements of the standard. NSF certified water filters for lead reduction have been evaluated in a study using water that contains 150 parts per billion (ppb) of lead. This lead concentration is ten times higher than the U.S. EPA maximum allowable level in drinking water. The filters are challenged at this level of contaminated water for beyond the filter’s claimed service life-cycle. Certification is only confirmed when the product has met all of the lead reduction and other requirements of the standard. NSF also audits the facilities in which the products are manufactured annually to ensure the product being manufactured meets the standard.

For further information please see

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Natural Healing - A Nikken Case Study

Nicki Edgell
The following testimonial comes from Nikken Consultant Angela Pinem. Angela can be contacted via facebook at

Important Medical Disclaimer:
The following is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Testimonials are provided by persons who want to share their positive personal experiences. The testimonials are not endorsed by Nikken, nor is there any implied claim of healing, therapy or cure for anyone reading them. Our Independent Nikken Consultants do not make any medical claims. Nikken products are not medical devices and may not be recommended to treat specific medical conditions. 

Angela's Story

I want to share my experience that I have seen with nerve regeneration and bone healing with my daughter Sienna after she fell and shattered her elbow joint a year and a half ago.

It is important to understand how bad this injury was and then the nature of how it healed in the following months, it was quite extraordinary.

Initially after the X-rays the injury didn't seem so bad but then after the weekend when the consultant saw the X-ray on the Monday morning it was clear she needed surgery as soon as possible.

Before the surgery there was not really very much pain. I was told it would be about half an hour of surgery but when they started to operate it was much more complicated. Sienna had to endure two and a half hours of surgery where they wired the joint.

As soon as Sienna came out of surgery she was in a very distressed state and reacted extremely badly to the morphine they had given her during the operaton, she was also in terrible pain which I found so upsetting. I wrapped her immediately in the Nikken Cocoon Sleeping Bag*, to help calm her nervous system from the shock and trauma she was feeling.

Unfortunately she was in extreme pain but she had had all the pain killers she was allowed at that point. I had the Nikken seat with me which actually I sat on because I felt so distressed. I placed one of the Nikken insoles inside the sling in the area of the operation around her elbow. I put the Nikken Powerband round her neck.

She spent two nights in hospital. The first night was very stressful with her being constantly woken up to check that her fingers were ok and she could move them. They were very painful. I had also filled up bottles of water from the Pimag Waterfall which were an absolute blessing as Sienna was dehydrated and her system needed to start to flush out the painkillers, the morphine and anaesthetic.

The day after the operation she was up out of bed colouring, smiling and much happier.

When we got home from the hospital she slept in with me for a couple of weeks within the Sleep System which was so important for her nervous system because of the pain she was experiencing and the trauma she had been through - we had all been through a lot. The operation had left her totally exhausted and depleted.

I started to give her Nikken CalDenx supplements to aid with the bone healing.

In the couple of weeks following the operation her arm was in a half cast with two wires. It was clear though that two of her fingers had nerve damage from the operation probably because the ulnar nerve had been disturbed. They were very painful, and curled, she couldn't straighten them. I was told that it would take potentially a year or so to recover, as nerve regeneration is very slow, but it is far quicker in children because they are naturally growing all the time. Also that she may never be able to have full extension of her arm. I found it all hugely upsetting.

Once the plaster came off her arm was in an L shape and she didn't want anyone to touch it and she didn't want to move it. At this stage I was able to put a Powerband bracelet around the upper part of her arm. Her arm was constantly in a sling- she even slept with it on.

The surgeon told me not to massage the arm but from energy testing I felt it was what was needed, and along with physiotherapy bit by bit she was able to start to move it. It was incredibly stiff. Then I put the Kenko Wrist wrap around the area once the wound had healed with a Kenko Power chip magnet inside. These helped greatly with the discomfort and in keeping the area warm.

All the time she had the power band on day and night, the sleep system at night and after school in the following weeks she was exhausted so I would wrap her up in the Cocoon Sleeping Bag as soon as she got home. Lots and lots of the Waterfall Water. Lots of sleep too.

What I found was she did not need pain relief for as long as I thought she would have to. What I believe is that the Nikken products provided the right environment for her body to heal from the shock and trauma of the accident while aiding the bone to heal and the nerves to regenerate.

Two of her fingers though seemed permanently clawed and there was of course the worry of how the joint would long term recover. But I couldn't focus on that as I had to just take each day as it came and trust that she would heal in time.

Step by step more flexibility came to the joint and after about 6 months one day she just said to me "Look Mummy I can straighten my fingers!" I was so shocked it happened just like that - suddenly they were almost normal again. She now has full extension of her elbow.

I am so very grateful that we had all the Nikken products and the knowledge of which products to use purely because my husband had suffered his stroke just 6 months previous to all this happening and we had seen and continue to see how they have supported him and us all as a family.

Please contact me at for more information, or leave a question or comment below.

* please note the Cocoon Sleeping Bag is available on limited edition only. Please call for details.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

How to Lead - by Eric Worre

Nicki Edgell

Being a strong leader is one of the most important skills of a Network Marketer.  And leadership starts in the prospecting.  Too many people think that they don’t have to be a leader until they have a team to lead.  That’s just not true.  You have to be a leader first, or at least exhibit some of the qualities of a leader, while prospecting at the very beginning or you’re not going to get the success you want or attract the right people to your organization.

You can’t say that you’re going to build an organization, and then become a leader.  People follow leaders.  So, you have to show your prospects that you are a leader.

But does that mean you won’t succeed in Network Marketing unless you are already this strong, influential leader?

No! Leaders have to learn and practice in order to gain the skills needed to be effective and attractive. These skills need to be learned early on if you want your business to see some real growth.

Once you practise the skills needed for leadership, your team will grow with your leadership.

So, here are some qualities that you can learn and practise in order to become a stronger leader and that you can teach to your downline so that they become leaders as well.

Leadership Philosophy

What is your philosophy?  Is it all about you, your success, your paycheck, your rank advancement, your freedom?  Or is it about a cause bigger than you?

Or are you focused on freedom for others, doing something right, or spreading the message of how your products and services could help change lives?
Take the focus off of you.
This will make a huge difference in your leadership because when your philosophy is about something bigger than you, then your prospects will be more likely to rally around you.

Have a Vision

Leaders have Vision. What is your vision for your organization?  What goals do you want to accomplish, and what are your reasons for doing this?

If your vision is just about getting the money, paying the bills, or surviving, you’re not going to get a lot of people excited about it.  But if your vision is aligned with your philosophy where you are envisioning something that you and your prospects together can make something huge, then you will get people excited to join you.

So, spend some time thinking about what your vision is for what you’re trying to build in your Network Marketing business.  And get that vision clear in your mind.  Know exactly what it will look like.  Then get excited about it.  Become so excited about your vision that you can’t wait to tell that story to someone else.
Your vision is critical because when you focus on that, recruiting becomes less about getting people and more about achieving the vision.  
When you focus on the bigger dream, all of those small things like getting the cheques or advancing in rank, will happen automatically.

Share Your Vision

Now, you could have the greatest vision ever, but it doesn’t matter if people don’t know about it.  As a leader, you have to be able to articulate your vision.  This is why it is important to have a story to share with your prospects.

Tell the story of determining your vision and striving for it.  Or find someone else’s story to tell.  But articulate your vision through a story.
Your story shares your vision, so you’ve got to get people excited about it.
But don’t just figure out your story and then fumble through articulating it.  Find someone to practice telling your story to.  Tell it to them, get their feedback, tweak the story, and repeat.  Be the best at telling your story.  Get it to the point where anytime you tell your story, people get so excited that they take action.

Be Competent

It’s hard to be a good leader if you’re not competent.

You need strong reasons, a vision, and the ability to articulate that vision.  Understand that most learning comes from the doing.

You need to go out there, go to work, and do the activities.  By doing that, you will learn the things necessary to be a leader.

At some point, you have to have a certain level of competence.  You have to reach a level where you can lead, train, present, or whatever skill that you want to become known for.  Building up your competence gives people faith in you, and they feel they can follow you safely.

This is why personal development is so important.  When you strengthen your own skills, become competent in the skills, it gives prospects the confidence to follow a leader who knows what they are doing.

Lead by Example

And last, but most certainly not least, you have to lead by example. This is a must. How can you expect people to trust and follow you if you’re not willing to do the same things you ask them to do?

If you want to be a great leader, you need to do the things you’re asking other people to do first. And then after you do it, you can show your team how to do it.

Walk your talk.  Do it first, and then show others the way. Duplicate.

Adapted from an article by Eric Worre,

Friday, 4 August 2017

Harnessing the Earth's Natural Magnetic Energy

Nicki Edgell

Magnetic energy is a key principle of both Far Eastern cultures and traditional Chinese Medicine. This principle has led to the development of practices such as acupuncture in the Western world. Nikken magnetic technologies have been developed for over 40 years to provide a carefully designed, supportive environment, and Nikken’s magnetic products are designed to fit easily into our normal day-to-day lives. This can be in the form of our Sleep System using products such as the Naturest® Kenkopad® and the Duvet Cover, via special magnetic insoles – Kenko mStrides® or even harnessing this magnetic energy whilst sitting down in the form of the KenkoSeat®.

The most recent development in magnetic innovation is represented by Nikken patented DynaFlux® Magnetic Technology. DynaFlux features a series of individual magnets within an organised structure that places them in polar opposition at several points. Positive or negative poles face each other. Interlocking construction holds these components in place to overcome the repulsion generated by this arrangement. Placing separate magnetic fields in opposition produces a multiplier effect with two notable results:

1. One result is that the magnetic field is intensified in each of these areas, providing 100% magnetic coverage of a complex field within a flat surface.

2. The other is a magnetic field that extends farther from the surface and increases the depth of penetration. This equates to increased gauss strength (the measurement of magnetic flux density).

Patented DynaFlux® Magnetic Technology is at the foundation of the KenkoTouch® and the MagCreator®.

The KenkoTouch® is a small handheld device that delivers pulsating magnetic wave therapy that may help relieve muscles discomforts. The massaging effect leverages the mechanical motion of strategically placed moving nodules; that produce a firm, slightly yielding sensation. The MagCreator® also harnesses this technology to specifically target the back. The specially designed magnetic head is engineered to roll fluidly down the spine and may help soothe tired, tense muscles. The surface nodules add an extra level of massaging stimulation. This can be used either on yourself or on others for that extra level of relaxation.

The MagCreator® is currently available with a saving of 50%. Please visit the online store here.

The Nikken Business Opportunity in Perspective - Real Earnings Figures Revealed!

Nicki Edgell
Nikken enjoys a reputation as a product driven company. Its successful 40 - year track record and international expansion has helped make it one of the fastest growing and most successful network marketing companies in the world. This dynamic growth comes for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the terrific income opportunity that Nikken provides.

However earnings figures in Network Marketing can sometimes feel rather nebulous and theoretical. Presentations often show the leveraging effects of building a team of 3 x 9 x 27 x 81 etc - fine in theory but rarely how it happens in the real world. So what are the real figures?

What Can I Earn In Nikken?

When someone is either considering a Nikken home based business or is a new Consultant, the questions invariably arise:

  • How much does the average Nikken Consultant make in terms of monthly income — or annual income? 
  • Does pursuing a Nikken home based business benefit me financially? 
  • What are the best steps to take along the way? 
  • How long does it take?
  • What kind of return can I expect in relation to the effort I am putting in?
  • Are the returns sustainable?
The chart below averages both general income and specific levels of achievement from the Senior Consultant rank up to Royal Diamond. Nikken Consultants of every level have shared the Nikken home based business opportunity with others and have used it as a pillar to build a solid, secure financial future. The chart gives average figures for all active Consultants and for all individuals at certain levels in Nikken in the US.

The stats show a wide range. As long as 240 months after signing up (20 years), some Nikken Consultants are still at Direct or Senior Consultant level, while others have climbed to the rank of Diamond or Royal Diamond. Many of course advance much quicker.

A Direct consultant earned on average $116 in the year, with the top earner at $1,109 (ie. about $100 a month). The top Silver consultant earned $17,354  with the average being $552 — Silver is the first "serious" rank where you will have a team and can begin to earn leadership bonuses. It is also very achievable and accounts for about a third of all Nikken consultants.

At the next levels of Gold and Platinum earnings roughly double respectively — the average levels begin to provide a significant bonus but not yet a living wage alone, although the top earners are achieving this with over $40,000 a year.

The real difference is seen at the Diamond ranks where six figure earnings are achievable. One person achieved the top rank of Royal Diamond within 10 months! Average earnings at this rank are over $100,000 pa with the top earner achieving a fraction under $750k.

Overall the figures tend to comply with industry findings that on average around 5% are "successful" in network marketing - of course this depends on your own goals and definitions of success. For a start financial wellbeing is only one measure of the success of a venture. Nikken prides itself on striving for balance in 5 areas of life - mind, body, society, family, and finances, and many consultants gain hugely from personal development.

The higher levels of income and achievement rely heavily on personal effort and individual application. The majority of superior performances rely upon the individual’s skill, training, effective business-building techniques and good old-fashioned hard work.
Many network marketers feel they spend a period not earning what they deserve, followed by a period earning more than they feel they deserve. This is a result of moving from time restricted earnings to the exponential mathematics of leveraging a team. 
And there is no question attitude plays a major role. Some people are passionate about their Nikken business and approach it with a sense of urgency. Others, though they may be committed, are not in such a hurry. That's fine. Stickability is also a huge asset. Many people start such a venture and then give up after a couple of months.

One of the joys of a home based business is you can fit it around your needs. At the recent "Team Kaizen" meeting in Mexico one of my big "takeaways" was not only the numerous different methods people used to be successful in Nikken, but also the various different types of people on the team.
There are many different ways to do Nikken.
It is also significant, however, to note that tens of thousands of households in North America use Nikken products as end users with no thought of building a Nikken business. This is not surprising. Nikken products have been sold by the millions worldwide, and the company remains a world leader in broad spectrum wellness technology.

Some Helpful Tips To Help You Use This Information Properly

1. Nikken is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme. Your success is more likely to be`proportionate to the amount of work and effort you’re willing to put into your Nikken home based business — to sell your products to retail customers, to share the principles of the Nikken 5 Pillars of Health® and to help motivate, educate and inspire others.

2. All commissions and bonuses are based only on sales of products to retail customers. Front-end loading of inventory is prohibited. Retail orders should be shipped directly to customers. Potential commissions rise with the size of a consultant's team but building a team alone is not sufficient to build an income — ultimately the members of the team must be actively making regular retail sales.

3. Every Nikken home based business is built on an individual’s own efforts. No legitimate Nikken business can be built on promises made to help someone else "build their business". The most successful Consultant businesses are built by Nikken Consultants encouraging, training and supporting others. This includes the proper sharing of Nikken product knowledge, product technology, and the lifestyle benefits programs. It is through the diligent and enthusiastic application of the Nikken 5 Pillars of Health® that successful Nikken home based businesses are built. With integrity and by empowering others to be the best they can be, we can all grow and prosper together.


The income figures are based on bonus earnings and are indicative only of incomes that can be made. The incomes stated included all overrides and leadership, retail, pack bonus and lifestyle bonuses actually earned during the time period of January 2016 to December 2016. To be conservative, for the purpose of these statistics, the highest active status achieved during this 12-month period determined the sponsoring levels and leadership development levels. If a Consultant achieved the Bronze status for one month during this 12-month period, his/her income statistics are included in the Bronze level status. The information here is not necessarily representative of what any individual Consultant will earn with these Annual Income Statistics. Any representation or guarantee of specific earnings would be misleading.

It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.

Please Note: The Nikken Compensation Plan changed significantly on 1st January 2017. The table above is for 2016. The new compensation plan as illustrated below has been designed to reward lower ranks earlier. We shall see when the 2017 figures are released.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Is There Fluoride in Your Water?

Nicki Edgell

Do you have fluoride in your tap water? Chances are probably not if you live in the UK (around 10% of the population is "fluorinated") but you can check your post code here>> 

You are much more likely to be subjected to fluoride in the US where 75% of the population are supplied with fluorinated water. The US is the most highly fluorinated country in the world followed by Brazil and Chile.

Those meddling Europeans have been at it again - 98% of Western Europe has rejected fluoridation on the grounds that it does not work and that it is morally reprehensible to forcibly medicate whole populations of people.

But in the US Fluoride is even added to some bottled waters marketed especially for children and advocated as being "ideal for mixing with baby formulas".

The babies and Moms here certainly look bright eyed and bushy tailed although not sure the color of those eyes is entirely natural (they do say consult your doctor first though to be fair).

Vintage toothpaste maker Colgate are also enthusiastic of course but do warn that it is possible to have "too much of a good thing." :0

At the opposite end of the "good thing" scale fluoride is defined as a toxin and a waste product and as well as toothpaste, is also used in chemical warfare and WMDs.

Fluoride and Nikken

Does the Nikken water filter remove fluoride? Fluoride is particularly difficult to remove and usually requires expensive specialist filters but tests have shown the Nikken filters will remove two thirds of fluoride if it is present in your tap water.

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Statutory Notice: Although every effort is made to keep this information accurate and up to date this is not an official Nikken website. Registered trademarks® of Nikken appear throughout this site. Our Independent Nikken Consultants do not make any medical claims. Nikken products are not medical devices and may not be recommended to treat specific medical conditions. People who are in their first 3 months of pregnancy, or who have a pacemaker, health problem or electronic device (either implanted or external) should consult their doctor or manufacturer of the device before using magnetic products. Do not place Nikken's magnetic products in direct contact with magnetically sensitive items such as watches, video and audiotapes, computer discs, credit cards and portable electronic equipment. It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved. Any personal data is not shared. Newsletter or blog followers can opt out at any time. If you sign up for my newsletter, which is administered through Mailchimp, I will store some of your information, including your email address, and certain information about the links you click within the emails I send you, on a Mailchimp server. Neither I nor Mailchimp will ever sell your email address or share it with any other party.