There are alot of things we can do to get healthy or lose weight or improve our body shapes. But most of these involve alot of effort - an effort beyond what most of us can consistently muster, certainly in the long run.
However there are two simple pieces of equipment I use that contribute significantly towards keeping me trim around the middle. One is a weighted hula-hoop. The added weight actually makes it easier to use than a traditional hula-hoop so don't worry if this isn't a skill you think you have! I swing this around my waist in both directions for a total of about two minutes. The other item is a pull up bar which you can hang on a door frame. I use this occasionally when I walk past, doing ten pull-ups each time. On average once or twice a day spending no more than 20 seconds each time.
Both are easy to set up, easy to use, and can be bought for less than £20 ($25) at amazon or similar. But best of all is I both feel and notice a large effect on my midriff and tummy muscles - with only a couple minutes of effort each day!
The Power of 30 Day Challenges
Why not combine the use of these tools with a 30 Day Challenge, where you commit to doing something daily - in this case to use the hoop and pull up bar every day. Diarise your challenge with a start and end date, and make it public by telling family or friends, or making a facebook post. Setting yourself such targets is incredibly powerful in getting things done and achieving goals.
At the end set yourself a new challenge, or renew the same one for another 30 days. Multiples of 30 work well and are most commonly used. Studies have found that permanent changes in habit can be achieved after 60 days. Longer term challenges and targets can be set for 3 or 6 months ahead, broken down into 30 day (or 1 month) chunks.
You'll find that this simple process overcomes a key block in achieving goals, procrastination, by getting you started immediately. Then each day the task remains in the forefront of your mind with a midnightly deadline (if you miss a day you go back to day 1 but that is actually unlikely to happen because critically you won't forget the challenge and the target is achievable and motivational). Before you know it you have achieved your goal whether that be a flat stomach, or your debut novel! Why not give it a go today?
My family and I use both these items below and they are both easy, economic and effective:
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