Caroline Rushforth trained at the University of California in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and is a certified Wingwave® and NLP Coach based in East Sussex, UK.
Wingwave Coaching
Wingwave® is a scientifically proven and extremely effective technique originating from Germany. The method is a profound yet gentle process which involves shifting stuck emotions related to trauma and negative thoughts in the same way we do when we fall into REM sleep.
"Having suffered anxiety and panic attacks for over 5 years, I have been able to get my life back through wingwave coaching. I have been able to resume doing the things that I want in order to reach my dreams."This innovative method is the preferred technique for addressing stressful memories and unhelpful emotions that impact on our sense of wellbeing and accomplishment. Incorporating a uniquely designed framework wingwave makes for the perfect ingredient for powerful lasting results in a short space of time. The effects are very measurable and the success in dissolving blocks is usually achieved within one to three coaching sessions.
Break free and live your life the way you deserve to!Caroline is a certified wingwave® Coach, Master NLP Coach, and Mentor, passionate about helping people eliminate the barriers that keep them stuck in their temporary pot holes. Based near Brighton, UK sessions are offered one-to-one, face-to-face, or via Skype, both nationally and internationally.
Wingwave® Coaching helps you to:
- mentally prepare for peak performance
- activate personal resources whenever you need them
- implement changes in every part of your life
- enhance your abilities and skills
- dissolve mental blocks that have kept you from being where you want to be
- overcome personal and professional disappointments and setbacks on the way to your goals
- transform your limiting thought and behavioural patterns into self-confidence
- increase your stress-resilience, creativity, and overall well-being
Caroline and Nikken
The subconscious mind is not just in our brain, it's a magnetic field that envelopes our entire body transmitting and receiving information like a current of energy. If you've ever felt the emotion of someone you care about, you've felt into their energy field like two satellites in communication.As we move along in our daily life, our magnetic field can get knocked out of balance particularly when we are stressed, exhausted and surrounded by wifi, mobile phones and air pollution. It's no wonder we can ache, feel tired or ruminate patterns of negative thoughts. These wonderful Nikken magnetic products are a perfect solution if you're looking for a powerful but quick energy recalibration, or would like to soothe an aching body and mind and feel beautifully grounded.
Founded in Japan , Nikken’s innovative wellness products combine science, nature and technology to provide Total Wellness solutions that deliver results. These amazing products create a unique environment that addresses every aspect of wellness to support the health and happiness of your entire family.
"Our wealth is in our health and Nikken products support fabulous health by providing better sleep, quality air and water, improved exercise, and wholesome nutrition."
To learn more please call Caroline on 07881 998816 and visit or email caroline@forthhorizons.comCaroline is also on facebook at
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