Friday, 24 November 2017


Nicki Edgell

Do you sleep deeply? Did you know we (should) spend a 1/3 of our lives sleeping (it's important!)?

... in fact many health experts think sleep is the most important factor affecting our health.

It is something close to my heart as many years ago I had a long period of insomnia. Some nights I even tried sleeping in a cupboard to get dark and quiet enough to get a couple of hours sleep! It wasn't really funny of course. Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture. Just one night's poor sleep will show up on blood tests the following day as a body in chronic stress. I can say first hand that I agree with the health experts "sleep is THE most important factor affecting health and mental wellbeing".

At that time I discovered a state of the art sleep solution that puts your body in the most natural environment possible in order for it to flourish. It's really easy to use - you place the Kenko mattress topper on your mattress, use a special pillow, quilt and eye mask. They work together to fully wrap you in a revitalising cocoon of overlapping magnetic fields. With advanced ceramic fibres and temperature control the system has been designed to enhance both the quantity and quality of your sleep. Please visit for more information.

"[The Nikken Sleep System] pulls you down into that deeply restorative sleep that people haven't had for years."  Dr. Jim Bews.

Deep stage 4 restorative sleep is where our body repairs itself and detoxifies, your brain gets a rinse through of cerebral fluids and processes mental worries so you can wake refreshed, ache and brain fog free and energised for the day ahead.

Rather than upgrading your phone or laptop again why not take advantage of this Black Friday to acquire something truly useful and life changing?

For the last week of November beginning today I wanted to let you know that the products are offered at a 20% discount. This is a rare opportunity to get your hands on these unique products at a discount (discount price list here >>).

The items are available individually or as a set. For anyone buying the full system I am giving away a magnetic sleep mask (retails at £31) free.

Would you like to try first? If you are local to Brighton, UK, I am opening my home for demonstrations. Please come along if you can or pass on this message to someone you know who needs to sleep better. I am taking bookings where I have space in my diary so do ask if you want to lie in it and feel what happens to your body.

Email ( and tel. no. 07786 405366.

I really hope to help you sleep better. Insomnia is a thing of the past for me. The Nikken Sleep System has been the best investment I have ever made in supporting my health and wellbeing.

If you would like to support your health in this way do get in touch for more information or to order before the 30th November. You can also order on the website at between 24th & 30th November to receive the discount.

With best wishes

Nicki Edgell
Independent Nikken Consultant

The KenkoDream Quilt

  • All seasons comfort
  • Ventilation for freshness
  • Advanced magnetic technology
  • Temperature regulation
  • Various sizes available

More »

The Mattress Topper

  • RAM Magnetic technology
  • Made from ecologically sound and renewable non-allergenic latex and natural materials
  • Temperature regulation
  • Various sizes available - single, double, king

More »

The Pillow

  • Temperature regulation
  • Breathable, natural fibre
  • Adjustable collar
  • Revolutionary magnetic technology

More »

The Eye Mask

  • Patented magnetic technology
  • Temperature regulation
  • Creates a dark sleeping environment
  • Comfortable and soft, yet sturdy materials
  • Hand-washable
  • Perfect to wear anywhere, at home, day or night, or when travelling

More »

About the Author

Nicki Edgell

I am a clinical Psycho-neuro-immunologist, Metabolic Balance Coach, Natural Nutritionist and Independent Nikken Consultant. I practice in Brighton in the South of England, helping individuals and groups towards the health, vitality and the life they want for themselves. I work under the principle that wellness depends on a balanced holistic approach to living, in all areas of your life: your body, mind, family, community and financial health all have an impact on your wellbeing.


  1. ***SALE ENDS TODAY***

    Sleep is when your body and mind heals. Nikken's unique patented quilt, pillow and mattress topper help to provide the ideal environment for healing and rejuvenation by cocooning you in nature. We spend 1/3rd of our lives asleep - make it count for the other 2/3rds by improving the quantity AND quality of your sleep!

    Start your Nikken experience today and save 20% off a quilt, pillow or mattress! But hurry - this special offer ends midnight tonight.

    Call Nicki on 07786 405366 or email

    If time is short and you want to dive straight in please visit to order online.

    "I've just woken up from a nine hour sleep after being lent the sleep system (magnetic mattress topper, pillow and duvet). I NEVER sleep for nine hours. I also feel really refreshed and still can't believe I slept for nine hours!! Wow!" CR, Seaford, UK.

    "I tried the Kenko Sleep System — and slept so hard that I couldn't remember the night!" KF, Washington, US.

    "If you want to improve your health, improve your sleep." Dr. Gary Lindner


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Statutory Notice: Although every effort is made to keep this information accurate and up to date this is not an official Nikken website. Registered trademarks® of Nikken appear throughout this site. Our Independent Nikken Consultants do not make any medical claims. Nikken products are not medical devices and may not be recommended to treat specific medical conditions. People who are in their first 3 months of pregnancy, or who have a pacemaker, health problem or electronic device (either implanted or external) should consult their doctor or manufacturer of the device before using magnetic products. Do not place Nikken's magnetic products in direct contact with magnetically sensitive items such as watches, video and audiotapes, computer discs, credit cards and portable electronic equipment. It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved. Any personal data is not shared. Newsletter or blog followers can opt out at any time. If you sign up for my newsletter, which is administered through Mailchimp, I will store some of your information, including your email address, and certain information about the links you click within the emails I send you, on a Mailchimp server. Neither I nor Mailchimp will ever sell your email address or share it with any other party.