Sunday, 18 March 2018

Save Your Skin, Save The Planet

Nicki Edgell

If what you put inside your body is important you should also consider what you put on your skin too. Many cosmetic beauty products are produced in laboratories and still contain chemicals and skin irritants including parabens (preservatives) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLSs). The foaming agents in toothpastes and aluminium salts in anti-perspirants contain hidden ingredients that are toxic to the body. Some are probable or known human carcinogens.

60% of anything you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body and ends up in your system.

The skin is our largest organ. It is a barrier to pathogenic threats and at the same time helps eliminate toxins and to regulate our temperature. But the heavy use of synthetics in personal care products strips our skin of its natural defences and gives rise to issues like eczema and asthma.

8 million people in the UK have a form of skin disease and almost 1 in 2 at least one allergy. 

Cosmetic products are also bad for the planet with both the chemicals from our bathing being flushed into our water systems and the physical waste caused by the plastic containers. There is currently a lot in the news about the pollution of our seas highlighted by the recent BBC Blue Planet II. 

A third of fish caught off the coast of South West England and 100% of oysters and mussels from Northern France contain traces of plastic.

Many products are known to contain microbeads which are manufactured minute solid petrochemical plastic particles used in exfoliating personal care products, toothpastes, and in biomedical and health-science research.

It is estimated that at present wastage rates the sea will contain more plastic than fish by 2050.

Use Genuine Organic Skincare Products

Nikken's True Elements® Marine Organic Skin Care is a complete line of products that are derived from seaweed types abundant in natural minerals. These are well absorbed by skin and in combination the different ingredients can work synergistically to offer remarkable benefits.

Harvested from a UNESCO world biosphere reserve, the seaweeds are grown naturally and sustainably to respect the environment. The ingredients are extracted within 24 hours close-by on the shore using the latest specialist technology to protect the plants from damage during harvesting, and to ensure that all the active elements are retained to nourish and enhance your skin for a truly premium experience.

A vital part of great-looking skin is hydration, in which seaweed excels. All of the True Elements range contain specific formulations of enriching marine extracts that help naturally stimulate skin cells to absorb more water, keeping your skin looking nourished and fresh 24 hours a day – perfect for use with Nikken’s PiMag® water systems for drinking and showering.

True Elements is certified organic by Ecocert, a distinction that very few products — even those labelled as “organic” — can claim. This provides a level of assurance important to consumers who understand that skin care is also health care.

Nikken skincare range is certified free from:

• GMOs
• Mineral Oils
• Parabens
• Phthalates
• Phenoxyethanol
• Synthetic colorings
• Synthetic fragrances

Protect Your Water Supply 

Nikken produces a drinking water filter and a shower unit to ensure both the water you drink and that which you absorb through your skin while showering is pure and clean.

Tiny pieces of plastic have been found in over 90% of the world’s most popular bottled water brands.

The Nikken drinking water filter, the Pimag Waterfall, is on special sale in our European and US markets until 30th April 2018:


About the Author

Nicki Edgell

I am a clinical Psycho-neuro-immunologist, Metabolic Balance Coach, Natural Nutritionist and Independent Nikken Consultant. I practice in Brighton in the South of England, helping individuals and groups towards the health, vitality and the life they want for themselves. I work under the principle that wellness depends on a balanced holistic approach to living, in all areas of your life: your body, mind, family, community and financial health all have an impact on your wellbeing.


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